English irregular verbs: list ABB

List ABB has a dual function : to learn the simple past and past participle forms, which are of course identical.

Infinitive Simple past Past participle
Infinitive Simple past Past participle
bend bent bent
bet bet bet
bid bid bid
bind bound bound
bleed bled bled
breed bred bred
bring brought brought
build built built
burn burnt burnt
burst burst burst
buy bought bought
cast cast cast
catch caught caught
cling clung clung
cost cost cost
creep crept crept
cut cut cut
deal dealt dealt
dig dug dug
dream dreamt dreamt
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
fight fought fought
find found found
flee fled fled
get got got
grind ground ground
hang hung hung
have had had
hear heard heard
hit hit hit
hold held held
hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
kneel knelt knelt
lay laid laid
lead led led
lean leant leant
leap leapt leapt
learn learnt learnt
leave left left
lend lent lent
let let let
light lit lit
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
read read read
say said said
seek sought sought
sell sold sold
send sent sent
set set set
shine shone shone
shoot shot shot
shut shut shut
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
slide slid slid
smell smelt smelt
speed sped sped
spell spelt spelt
spend spent spent
spill spilt spilt
spit spat spat
split split split
spoil spoilt spoilt
spread spread spread
stand stood stood
stick stuck stuck
sting stung stung
strike struck struck
sweep swept swept
swing swung swung
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
understand understood understood
upset upset upset
weep wept wept
win won won
wind wound wound
wring wrung wrung

Irregular verbs

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